How to organize a trip to Australia: Visitor Visa, Tourist Visa, Student Visa and WHV

    THEAustralia it is, data in hand, the sixth country in the world by extension with 23 million inhabitants (more or less a third of the Italian population), in an area that is about 25 times the size of our Peninsula! It is an extremely organized country, but it is necessary inquire well before leaving.

    First of all, how to get there? We must first start looking for the ticket some time before, At least two months, possibly by signing up for airline mailing lists. Your wallet will be grateful to you! The average ticket price is approx 1100 € (it depends on the destination), but being particularly careful and checking your email, in certain periods it can even reach 900.

    The companies to be monitored are there Emirates, the Australian Qantas (a little more expensive), the Singapore Airlines, (one of the best), and finally the Qatar, on the rise in recent years.

    If you stopovers are required for technical supplies, often the airlines, paying a small surcharge, allow you to book even the overnight stay (note that Emirates and Singapore Airlines have stopovers respectively in Dubai and Hong Kong, and some shopping is not it feels bad !!).

    A small note about Emirates: apart from the airline's excellence, it allows you to change the date of your ticket to one penalty of only 100 euros. The customer care is available from Monday to Sunday, and resolves any question.

    The second obstacle to be faced are the seen. There are many, and the Australian government does not compromise. Despite the severity, forget the endless lines: sul government site you have all the answers to your questions and above all the request is made entirely online. For any information, in addition to the site, it is always possible to call Australian Embassy.

    Let's get a computer and let's understand something with the most used visas! The first is the classic tourist visa, eVisitor Visa valid for 3 months, to be requested for free outside of Australia.

    There is also a subclass, the Tourist Visa, which allows you to stay in Australia for 3, 6 or 12 months. The cost varies depending on whether you ask for it outside or already on Australian soil. With both visas It is not possible
    lavorare, nor do an extension (it is not possible to ask for an eVisitor and then change it to Tourist, so it is better to make the decision immediately!).

    For those wishing to stay longer in Australia, the natural choice is the Working Holiday Visa (WHV): it is possible to request it just between the 18 and the 31 years (not completed), and gives the opportunity to work, study and stay for 12 months in OZ. Very important! It can be ask only ONE time in life and only outside Australia (its cost is $ 230). In this case the Australian government will want to have more information, for example if you have an economic basis for the first period of stay.

    It is possible to ask for a according to WHV if you have worked for 88 days in "useful" jobs for the country (such as working in farms, or fruit picking). However, you need to work for another six months with the employer of the first WHV.

    For those who intend to instead attend a course (both university and language) and working part time, you can apply for one Student Visa with the help of a sponsor (for example a Professor,
    or by contacting the school where you intend to take the course). This visa has no age limit but costs (approx $ 500). As you can see, the nuances are many and the rules in Australia are strict, but just move and you get all the information with a click! ;-)

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