Western and southern Sardinia: motorcycle itinerary

Discovering western and southern Sardinia with the ideal vehicle: the motorcycle. This 10-day itinerary will fascinate you with both dream landscapes and beaches and cultural destinations.

Each place has its ideal means of transport and I believe that the bike is the best to appreciate the West Coast of a land as varied as it is Sardinia. The west coast, more rugged and rocky, has stretches of curvy coast road that motorcyclists of all kinds always appreciate! Taking into account that the temperatures on the island are quite high in spring and summer, I would recommend a multi-stage route and some precautions: follow our itinerary, which took place in July, for a total of 10 days.

Western and southern Sardinia: motorcycle itinerary

From Porto Torres to Stintino: day 1

Arrival a Porto Torres (by ferry from Genoa) and transfer to Stintino.
By booking the ferry trip in advance (our booking was made in February for July) the price is really interesting and the vehicle costs only € 10 each way! We traveled with Tirrenia, the most popular option from Genoa.
Once in Porto Torres we headed to Stintino where we stayed overnight. The breathtaking view of the famous beach is certainly worth a few more kilometers The Hairy (bearing in mind that in high season it could be very crowded and that the parking lots are all paid, even for motorbikes, € 1 / € 1,50 per hour).

Alghero and Bosa: day 2

From Stintino we leave towards Alghero to take the SP 105, the coastal view, up to Bosa. This coastal stretch is worth the trip: the landscape is wild and extremely varied, rocks, shrubs, cliffs and green spots that alternate relentlessly, giving a surprise at every turn.
From Bosa we leave towards the south. I feel I can warn anyone who will undertake this path using the same words as a local motorcyclist to whom we asked for directions: "even if it seems the wrong way to you and you don't seem to be going anywhere, continue!" Yes, because they reached the height of the modest town of Wednesday you find yourself in the open countryside, few houses, many intersections and little road indication. Continuing towards the "marsh of Merceddì", however, you can see pink flamingos, storks and very high reeds! A landscape for which it is worth continuing!
Through these solitary and sunny routes we finally reach Torre dei Corsari.

Western and southern Sardinia: motorcycle itinerary

Piscinas: gIorn 3 and 4

Having base in Torre dei Corsari you have the possibility to choose between several wonderful beaches. We opted for the sandy beach of Pools, on the Costa Verde, a few kilometers further south. Watch out for the tank! The nearest petrol station is 40km away, so make sure you have fuel before heading into the dunes. In fact, Piscinas is a very large equipped but very spacious beach that opens at the bottom of a dirt path of about 6 kilometers. Cars cope with it smoothly, but motorcycle riders need to pay more attention to soft sand patches that could create skidding.

Western and southern Sardinia: motorcycle itinerary

The beaches of the Southern Coast: day 5 to 8

Departure towards Teulada and exploration of the southern coast.
The southernmost stage of the route is Teulada, a small town equipped with every service, ideal for visiting the fantastic southern coast. The territory of Teulada includes the wonderful beaches included among the most famous resorts of Porto Pino (west) e Chia (East).
They can be reached very easily, taking the SP 71 from Teulada, enchanting for those traveling by motorbike! About 25 kilometers of curves and panoramic views, from which the accesses to breathtaking locations and beaches branch off.

We have opted, at the suggestion of some inhabitants of the area, for Is Arenas Biancas (beach of fine and white sand, close to the military camp), Tuerredda (double sandy bay with crystal clear water, rightfully the protagonist of many tourist commercials in the area, crowded but equally enchanting), Perdalonga (small beach known to the locals, emerald water, little frequented: in short, a true paradise!) and finally Porto Tramatzu (equipped, not particularly crowded, suitable for families and sports lovers).
The southern coast is very rich and a complete visit requires a few days of rest before resuming the journey north. From here, in fact, we take the way back, the very practical (but boring!) Carlo Felice road, which takes us back to Porto Torres in a straight line.

Western and southern Sardinia: motorcycle itinerary

Barumini and Su Nuraxi: giorn 9

Stage a barumini. To break the monotony of the return and to add a cultural note to a tour full of landscapes, the ideal is to stop in Barumini, where the Sardinian nuraghe recognized heritage by Unesco. The site of Su Nuraxi it is one of the many that are on the island, but the complexity of the structure and the state of conservation make it unique and worth a visit. Access is available with a fee of € 11 including guided tour and entrance to the additional exhibition dedicated to the archaeologist Giovanni Lilliu and at the museum of Zapata house.

Western and southern Sardinia: motorcycle itinerary

The return: day 10

Return to Porto Torres and boarding.
Finally, from Barumini the aforementioned Carlo Felice is taken to return to the north. Boarding in Porto Torres is a couple of hours before departure, so if you arrive well in advance, consider stopping in a café in the port square: an interesting coming and going of people and vehicles, of products of all kinds, bicycles and mopeds that will happily close the route. Last tip: by booking a night route the ferry trip will be less boring and will allow you to optimize your times!

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