Vivamus and the Ruzzola Tournament in Maremma

    When I was in live, in the truest Maremma between manciano e Saturnia, invited by some friends, I immersed myself in the local culture, in the gastronomy (what an effort eh) and in the local culture. The thing that struck me most about this event, which I have described extensively here e here, was the Ruzzola Tournament.

    The tumbler is a game really very old, which was already practiced in the Maremma area late '800. The game takes place at two-person teams  who in turn challenge each other and the other team by pulling the tumbler as far as possible.

    La ruzzola was one at the end of the 800th century cheese shape thrown with a thread or string, today a circular wooden tumbler is used to play, about 10 cm in diameter thrown with the hands. Her rules they are absolutely iron and for the Vivamus event they have been even more studied to guarantee teams and the public one total transparency.

    The members of the two teams must throw the tumbler to do me and for this they have to keep both feet on a plastic mat that from time to time is moved on the path. Also the tumbler must take the mat before making his path, under penalty of cancellation of the shot and the passage to the other team.

    In every race there are two referees, unquestionable, who define and ascertain the track before starting. The track is bordered by edges, not too wide, but long enough to allow the two teams to play long enough for the comeback. If al number of laps established neither team will have reached the other, the winner will be the one who, with the same number of shots, is ahead of the other.

    For every team there are two tumbles and if the team accidentally breaks both it will be considered disqualified. In addition, the tumbler can affect i edges of the track but do not go out or hit the spectators otherwise the shot must be considered invalid.

    In short, beyond all these formal rules, the game of tumbling is really interesting and even more so exciting, seen live then has a beautiful effect, here is a Vivamus video below to reveal the event in its entirety.


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