Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and tourist itinerary: the paths and routes of the Asinara National Park

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara Island where it is and information

Home for years of a maximum security prison now deleted, theAsinara island, is located to the west of the homonymous gulf, and was promoted from a protected area to a national park on November 28, 1997.

THEAsinara island It is in the Mediterranean Sea precisely between the Sea of ​​Sardinia and Corsican sea and is part of the municipality of Porto Torres in the province of Sassari.

Asinara travel and itinerary

Characterized by rocky shores, jagged and very steep with few inlets on the western side, while on the eastern side they degrade into sandy beaches, the Asinara is a real heaven on earth.

- terrestrial and marine ecosystems of the island have remained essentially unchanged and the vegetation is rich and luxuriant, inhabited by about 300 mouflons.

Asinara travel and itinerary

Holidays in Cala Gonone: the 5 things to do between relaxation and fun

THEAsinara it is also very rich in Birdlife and spore fauna, the monk seal.

There are many in the wild albino donkeys, which constitute an attraction for visitors, together with the rediscovery of one Sardegna fifty years ago.

Thanks to the alternating historical vicissitudes and the permanence of the prison in the last century, theAsinara is today the first major island in the Mediterranean Sea not cemented.

Asinara travel and itinerary

In fact Cala d'Oliva it was in the 900s the main hamlet inhabited by the families of guards.

In the mid-XNUMXs i judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino they stayed there for reasons of safety in a garnet building overlooking the sea and called guest.

Asinara park excursions

Il Asinara National Park together with the Ministry of the Environment, it has arranged various paths to be followed for visiting the island.

Path of the granite Asinara Park

Il granite path go along the dirt road to the right (with your back to the sea) with respect to the square of the Fornelli pier, the arrival point in the southern part of the island.

Asinara travel and itinerary

It's a pathway which crosses the coastal areas of the plain of Santa Maria and then enters the world of granite, which accompanies the hiker for almost the entire route.

Between the Mediterranean scrub and sea there are 3 granite quarries, still with some work tools or artisan shelter structures.

In the final part, a Cala Sant'Andrea, skirt the brackish water and the fully protected area, then return to the concrete road until you find the starting point.

Asinara Park water trail

From the landing stage of Stoves and from the square in front of the Visitor Center, towards the west begins the dirt road of Path of Water.

Asinara travel and itinerary

Cala Gonone where you can eat well and spend little

THEwater in its various expressions, that of sea, the gentle hillside, the brackish coastal ponds, the bridges, the wells, the drinking troughs, the springs, the small dams, the reservoirs and the technological infrastructures, will accompany the easy path, accessible to all, passable on foot and by bicycle without great efforts.

Path of the Castelluccio Parco Asinara

From the Fornelli arrival pier, in the southern part of the island, continuing towards the Fornelli prison, you set out for the Castellaccio path, structure medieval ruined that dominates the plain and the whole strait of Stoves.

Asinara travel and itinerary

La words, in the final part of the path, it is a little steep but pleasant.

You get to the top in less than an hour.

Path of Memory Asinara Park

Starting from Visitor Center located in the back to the Royal Palace, in the homonymous locality, the Path of Memory a journey back in time to discover ancient and recent human traces.

Asinara travel and itinerary

The path reaches up to the Piana di Campu Perdu, where a branch has arisen as a penal colony with an agricultural vocation, it is also possible to visit the house of janas, caves o prenuragiche grave,Austro-Hungarian Ossuary, with the remains of over 5000 prisoners of the First World War and the plain that in the past housed the camp of sick people and soldiers in the past in 1916.

Path of the Lighthouse Asinara Park

It is given Cala d'Oliva follow the signs for Punta Sabina on the other hand, follow the Path of the Lighthouse, of which Cala dei Ponzesi is a short seaside variant.

The dirt road to Punta dello Scorno it runs along the cliffs on the sea.

Asinara travel and itinerary

Passed Cala d'Arena and the coastal tower, you arrive at the lighthouse, a disturbing structure for its austerity and solitude, a reference point for all routes of the sea of ​​Sardinia.

A detour leads to the ruins of the former Semaforo, old Air Force weather station, today roost for falcons.

Path of the Holm oak Park Asinara

Il Path of the Holm oak, with rest and refreshment areas, springs and water channels that flow between holm oaks.

To reach this last place, take the dirt road that fromout of prison of the Central Branch in Cala d'Oliva and you arrive at White Houses.

Asinara travel and itinerary

From here the landscape changes completely, and is reminiscent of that of inland areas of Sardinia.

Variant is the ascent towards Punta Scomunica, highest point of the island, with an unusual and unique panorama.

Path of the White Donkey Asinara Park

Another route that starts from Cala Reale is the Path of the white donkey, numerous in various parts of the island but here particularly confident, also herded with some gray donkeys.

Asinara travel and itinerary

Heading east of the Royal Palace towards Trabucatto follow the road that runs along the sea until you reach the old tower built in the peninsula of the same name in 1600 by the Aragonese.

Eating at Asinara

Sull 'Asinara island there are two bars restaurants and I am:

  • L'Asino Bianco Restaurant and Bar: located in Cala d'Oliva Tel (+39) 079 409401
  • Sognasinara Bar Restaurant: it is located in Cala Reale Tel (+39) 346 1737043

Un advice which we give you if you are going to eat at Asinara is to book.

Asinara travel and itinerary

Sleeping in Asinara

On the island of Asinara, in village of Cala d'Oliva, there is ahostel which was located inside theformer prison officers' barracks.

THECala d'Oliva hostel it can accommodate up to 70 people and must be booked promptly: Tel (+39) 346 1737043.

Asinara park video

Asinara National Park fact sheet

  • Area: 52 sq. Km
  • Managing Body: Temporary management committee of the Asinara National Park based in Via Iosto, 7 - 07046 Porto Torres (Sassari) - Tel. 079 503388
  • The Park Authority has set the maximum number of visitors each day at 300 people.

Asinara pictures and photos

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and itinerary

Asinara travel and itinerary

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