Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information safe places, documents (passport and visa), places to visit, excursions, most beautiful beaches

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

This wants to be for all those who intend to visit theHonduras a sort of useful guide, full of advice and information not only on places to visit (safe places), but also on the documentation necessary to enter the country and so on, written by two Spanish tourists who went to this magnificent land.

Honduras what to see, places to visit and beaches

This summer I was with my husband for a week in Roatan, enchanting Henry Morgan village.

Everything left us speechless as soon as we arrived in this fantastic land, us and around us, the whole landscape was immersed in a luxuriant and still wild nature.

The village where we stayed is built in an absolutely comfortable and well-kept "Caribbean style" with a wonderfully unique sea and beach.

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

I think it is not possible to describe the place with words alone.

La beach located in front of the village is considered one of the most beautiful in Roatan, white sand, transparent and refreshing water, coral reef very close, small fish that arrive on the shore and you may even happen to swim with dolphins.

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A pod of dolphins swam right in front of our beach for a whole morning allowing us this extraordinary and unique experience.

Honduras excursions

Definitely do not miss the trip toAnthony’s Key, the oceanographic center, is the famous excursion to Dolphins.

There it is possible to live the unique experience of hugging a dolphin, naturally next to an instructor who teaches the right and kind way to get close to them.

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

After this first approach it was wonderful to swim freely with these extraordinary mammals.

Here is the video that illustrates how spectacular the experience of being next to a dolphin is:

Also beautiful diving to see the coral reef, truly spectacular that has nothing to envy to those of the Red Sea and the Maldives.

One piece of advice that I can give you to keep in mind especially during excursions is to bring very high sun protection with you, a few clothes, masks and fins for the snorkeling.

Honduras documents required

To go to Honduras the passport valid for at least 6 months from the moment of departure, on visa it is only necessary for stays longer than 30 days.

For those who intend to travel to Honduras, passing through the United States (as we did), I recommend that you consult the new legislation on passport and entry visa to the USA.

And in any case, it is always good to consult this site of the American Embassy.

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras safe places to visit

In general, in Honduras, as reported by the local media themselves, the rate of violence is one of the highest in the American continent, there is a lot of petty crime ("maras").

In addition, armed robberies against travelers traveling between the airport and the city of San Pedro Sula have also been reported with some frequency.

But obviously if you start with an organized trip you don't run these risks (we went quietly!).

But here's what the areas at risk: in the capital Tegucigalpa and in the other urban centers of Honduras, the concentration of crimes mainly concerns the poorest and most marginal areas, including, in the case of Tegucigalpa, the center and the "twin" city of Comayaguela.

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Particular caution should therefore be used for those who intend to visit the city of San Pedro Sula, the main industrial center of the country and the Olancho area.

Particular caution is required in crossing the border areas with neighboring countries (El Salvador and Guatemala), where banditry is widespread.

The islands of Bahia, Roatan, Utila and Guanaja can be visited, but always paying attention.

Le safe areas, instead, they are:

  • the monumental complex Maya in Copan and the great Mayan monuments;
  • the natural parks of Cuero y Salado and Lancetilla near the cities of Tela and La Ceiba, the beaches of Trujillo, the centers of Santa Rosa di Copan, Yuscaran and Comayagua can be visited without particular dangers;
  • the residential districts of Tegucigalpa, where however it is preferable to circulate only during the day;
  • the western part ofRoatan island, where there are hotels and tourist villages of Spanish operators.

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras important things to know and precautions

Upon arrival in the country, do not forget to report your presence to the Spanish Embassy in Tegucigalpa or to the local Honorary Consulate of San Pedro Sula.

If you are in the islands of Bahia, you can, in case of need, contact the consular correspondent resident in the West End.

Honduras, from what can be seen, is an underdeveloped and industrialized country ofCentral America.

And it is precisely its slow development, the natural beauty it reserves and a modest tourism that make Honduras particularly attractive to those travelers, like us, well
supplied with insect repellent (don't forget them for the world! Watch out for Mosquitos!) who love alternative destinations.

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras when to go and weather

Il climate of Honduras it is always hot with a dry season from December to April and a wet season from May to November.

Temperatures usually do not drop more than 26 ° and the best time to spend a quiet holiday is February and March.

Pay attention to the period that goes from the end of August to mid-November because hurricanes could occur

This trip was for us nothing short of a fantastic experience .. every time we see the photos our eyes fill with tears for the nostalgia of such a beautiful place ... I hope with all my heart to be able to return even in a few years.

Honduras photo gallery

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

Honduras Rotoan travel tips and useful information

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