Da Filiberto, pizza restaurant in Rimini

    The pizza restaurant Filiberto is a well known and popular place in Rimini, although it is located on the Adriatic highway and not in the city center. A couple of evenings ago we went there as a group and at the last minute, so without booking. Even though it was Saturday night they got us a nice table and in a great location. The restaurant is large and in addition to pizza you can find homemade pasta, as well as meat dishes of various types. The cuisine is in fact typically Romagna.

    In addition to the menu they also give us a flyer where we read “How much pizza can you eat? All the pizza you want! It will be only you who will say enough! " And so it was indeed. Stuffed pizzas of all kinds, already cut and that we never stopped arriving.

    Well with 10,50 € (with a 0,30 cl drink included) you can eat all the pizza you want. Well, for us it was a nice surprise also because by now it was 23pm and we didn't go to mind the menu.

    I read the flyer better and see another offer: Monday to Friday, only in the evening, all the first courses on the menu for only 13,50 euros, including a drink. All homemade pasta. I swear, I've always known that where the truckers stop, the food is good. Having passed in front of the club for 20 years, since I got my driving license, I never had the opportunity to stop. Now that I've tried it, I've confirmed it. It just needs to test the cuisine and homemade pasta.

    The parking is very large and you will not have any difficulty in finding a place. But be careful if you come from Riccione to Rimini. It is not really easy to turn left given the long lines that are created on the opposite carriageway, so I suggest you continue to the next roundabout and go back.

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