Langhe: low cost eating and drinking

Eating and drinking in the Langhe is not at all difficult, especially for the quality of food and drink, which is much more difficult to do low cost. Here are some tips for drinking and eating well and low cost also in the Langhe and Piedmont.

Every season is the right one to visit the Langhe, but autumn is certainly the perfect time, especially if you are lucky enough to go between October and November, during the Alba White Truffle Fair, but especially when the vines are at their peak.
Langhe: low cost eating and drinking
In a weekend you can visit and get to know the most famous and significant places in the area, but get ready for a decent budget available because, alas, this area is not exactly cheap and at every corner, at every shop, you will be tempted to buy and taste the countless local specialties: hazelnuts, honey, cheese, the inevitable wine and, if you can afford it, White truffle!

However, with some foresight and some advice, you can enjoy the Langhe even with low cost solutions.

Langhe: low cost eating and drinking

Municipal Cellar of La Morra

La Municipal Cellar of La Morra it is located in the historical center of the homonymous town; here you can buy bottles and participate in interesting tastings. With only € 10in fact, you can taste labels from local producers that will make you fall in love with them Barolo, Barbaresco, Dolcetto d'Alba, Nebbiolo (my favorite), Barolo chinato... all accompanied by cheese snacks, some cold cuts and the inevitable hand-stretched breadsticks. Perfect opportunity to get to know the flavors of the Langhe and make a cheap authentic aperitif.

Langhe: low cost eating and drinking

Earth market in Alba

The market takes place every weekend morning in Piazze Pertinace. Here you will be spoiled for choice among the many stalls of local producers. Food and wine souvenirs to take home, but also street food solutions for a greedy and cheap lunch break: sandwiches with local cold cuts, portions of farinata (made with chickpea flour), cheeses and so on and so forth. I bought some excellent ones toasted hazelnuts of the Stella delle Langhe farm and the high mountain honey of Cascina Poggio delle Viole.

Langhe: low cost eating and drinking

Risiè-Tasting Shop & Bar

Pleasant place in the central Piazza Michele Ferrero (formerly Piazza Savona) in Alba, which I particularly point out, for its street food menu. We ate our Sunday lunch here eating, for only € 5, an excellent Brasato al Barolo that had nothing to envy to the one ordered the night before in a renowned restaurant in the area.

Finally, for free, you can satisfy yourself with the splendid landscapes offered by this enchanting land: the sea ​​of ​​vineyards which can be admired from La Morra; the suggestive chapel of Our Lady of Grace by Sol Lewitt; the majestic Castle of Grinzane Cavour and the adjoining wine shop (free admission); the narrow streets of Barolo and the historic center of Alba, always in turmoil!

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