Ponza, what to see in one day even in the hinterland

Not the classic trip to the island of Ponza, but a real itinerary to discover ancient paths dating back to the Roman era.

Far from what common thinking might be, Ponza inland it is definitely much more interesting than you can imagine.

Ponza, what to see in one day even in the hinterland

The trails of Ponza

The entire island can be crossed by following a myriad of small ancient paths, probably dating back to the Roman era.

These paths were built more than a thousand years ago to ensure the maintenance of hydraulic works such as aqueducts and collecting channels - for which our ancestors are still extremely famous - or to supply springs.

Therefore, born as work roads, Ponza's paths are now, for those who know where to look for them, a way to reach some of the most beautiful and unexpected places on the island.

Ponza, what to see in one day even in the hinterland

Ponza on foot

Although it is not normally the prerogative of tourists to visit Ponza on foot, the various towns still have many maps that can be easily purchased on which to read all the secrets and places of the Ponza paths.

Obviously not all of them are easy to travel, maintenance is neither constant nor particularly required and it is in fact the passage of people to guarantee for the most part the existence of these small roads that the island is really full of.

Every single ravine can be reached through an indistinct tangle of hundreds of paths that can lead an interested tourist to observe the major points of interest from a different angle.

From the coast to Monte Guardia

Very interesting is the path that leads from the coast up to Monte Guardia from which they can be admired palmarola, Chiaia di Luna and Lighthouse from above.

Ponza, what to see in one day even in the hinterland

But these spectacular end points are not the only interesting part of the climb to the top, the route is in fact dotted with points of interest such as old ruins and uninhabited houses, passing through the old port to the necropolis of Ponza.

Ponza, what to see in one day even in the hinterland

The highest points of Ponza

Not for everyone is the path that starts from the historic cellar of Punta Fieno which, with a little effort, brings you back to the highest points of the island from where you can feel master while admiring the sea below.

Tips for walking the trails

It is essential to remember, before leaving for a new adventure along the Ponza paths, to bring everything you need to avoid any kind of discomfort.

For example, starting with an always useful Swiss army knife with which you can get rid of annoying twigs along the way and with which, above all, you can get some of those wonderful prickly pears that frame the paths.

During the summer, it will not be difficult to meet some wonderful ones along the way vine loaded with excellent grapes which, however, it would be better not to take advantage of, given the difficulty of frontier agriculture that farmers are forced to suffer. Always better to ask, you never know!

Ponza, what to see in one day even in the hinterland

Do not forget also the inevitable food and water, indispensable during the strenuous climbs.

Above all, never to be underestimated, the importance of a sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun's rays.

Finally, don't worry if walking isn't exactly your forte.
No matter how tiring the ascent may seem to you, the descent will always be faster and more comfortable and, if ever too much fatigue has won, a useful solution could be the watermelon strategy.

After all, in Ponza all roads lead to the port!

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