Free visits to Barcelona: La Virreina

    Free visits to Barcelona: La Virreina

    THEBarcelona Institute of Culture is a public entity created by the Municipality (Ayutamiento in Spanish) of the city in order to promote and increase the cultural activities of the city: among these activities are also included those of the programming of the Center of the Image La Virreina ed the Palazzo della Verreina.

    Five years have passed since the Verreina Exhibition Center began a new era as the “Image Center”: from that moment there have been photographic and audiovisual exhibitions, book presentations, literary festivals, documentaries and many other cultural activities. However, the Center imposes its identity on theexploration of the image as knowledge and also as a stimulus for new cultural experiences. It also sets itself the fundamental objective of seeking an identity of its own among the network of spaces in Barcelona, ​​both in terms of programming and in content and forms. In this way, it manages to coordinate with the other centers dedicated to visual creation.

    The exhibitions currently present are:

    • "Bye Bye Kabul" by Guillermo Cervera: a photographic exhibition and a virtual journey in the city of Kabul, available until 10 April;
    • "Self-portrait" by Alberto Garcia Alix: a program divided into five sessions, available until April 25th;

    La Verreina is located a few steps from the Boqueria market: precisely in La Rambla, 99. It remains open all week except Mondays, from 12 to 20 and is free admission.

    For more information, just visit the site:

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