3 places to see flamenco in Seville

    3 places to see flamenco in Seville

    When we think of the Flamenco it is easy to think aboutAndalucia and viceversa. Flamenco, now very popular in Spain, is the traditional dance of the gypsies of Andalucia, a mix of different cultures from North Africa, Southern Europe and Middle East Asia.

    Until the mid-700th century, the gypsies, those who practiced flamenco more than any other, practiced this dance and culture in a way almost clandestine. It was only with Charles III that it was granted to gypsies freedom of movement and expression, including through music and dance. Today Flamenco is a culture that expresses itself perfectly and especially in dance, which we all know and which we may have seen at least once.

    Seville in particular it is the city that together with Granada and other cities in southern Spain offers more space for the expression of flamenco, but when we are in Seville, where do we go to see this show? After having been to Seville twice and having seen two shows, I recommend three: two that I tried and a very famous one, known to practically everyone, also for its history.

    Madrugà. The first time I was in Seville I went to the Madrugà. Recommended to me by a friend who lives in Seville, the Madrugà is nice because it has free entry. At the weekend you can find a bit of a queue at the entrance, but if you feel like waiting you won't regret it. The Madrugà is located at the Torre dell'Oro, on the other side of the bridge, precisely in Calle Salado, 11. This venue offers live music most evenings and flamenco shows on the weekend, sometimes even improvised. There are no specific programs but if you are lucky you can enjoy a nice evening. Here the boys are not lacking and at a certain time the place becomes almost a disco, worth trying.

    The Carbonería. Very famous place and very famous name, the Carboneria is a bar, a Spartan tapas bar where it is rumored that the first flamenco dances have begun. The restaurant is located in the Barrio of Santa Cruz even if in several guides you begin to read conflicting opinions on the fact that it is still so genuine, maybe that's why I haven't tried it yet.

    Flamenco Dance Museum. If you are looking for a place to see Flamenco with a capital f then you must come to this place. Two shows per evening and a museum on the history and art of flamenco three floors above the ballroom. Professional dancers with beautiful dresses will dance for you for over an hour. The show and admission to the museum cost € 20, € 14 for students but in my opinion they all deserve it. The Flamenco Dance Museum is located at Calle de Manuel Rojas Marcos, 3.

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