48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

A weekend in Paris and lots of low-cost information and advice on where to eat, including macarons, what to see, how to save money with admissions to museums, but above all where to sleep in Paris and how to get low cost from the airports.

Un weekend in Paris is a dream. Let's face it, Paris is always one of the most beautiful European destinations. As much as the French can be more or less nice, the beauty of Paris is indisputable. For a romantic weekend this French city is one of the most recommended in the world, for a weekend after Christmas then let's not talk about it, the magic of the lights on the Champs-Élysées is unique and also in summer, thanks to the beaches along the Seine and the exhibitions in the Museums with free admission make this city one of the most beautiful and liveable at any time of the year.

48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

As always the 48 hour mini guide provides advice for a weekend ranging from Friday evening to Sunday evening. However, we give you more tips than what you could do in just 3 days. If you decide at the last minute to extend your stay, know that here you will find much, much more :)

48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

What to see in Paris?

Full of museums and parks to stroll in summer and autumn, Paris has a lot to see. In summer you can certainly take a walk on the Seine, here in the warmer months Paris offers beaches, yes, you got it right, where to sunbathe and relax as if you were on the coasts of France and not in the center of Paris!

48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

Strolling the length and breadth of the city I advise you not to miss it Marsh, one of the most characteristic and pleasant neighborhoods of the city where the Picasso Museum is located among other things. If you want to see immediately the "highlights" do not miss it Eiffel Tower, the Champs-Elysees, the Arc de Triomphe and the marvelous Louvre, perhaps taking advantage of its free and discounted admissions for the youngest.
48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

Romantic Paris

If you want to take a romantic route I recommend the area of Montmartre, from here you can enjoy one of the 3 most beautiful sunsets in Paris. Start the romantic tour starting from Wall of I love you, continue with a nice walk up to Sacred Heart Basilica and its 237 steps to get to the top.

48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

Paris on a cruise

To see Paris in a special way you can opt for one cruise on the Seine, with full ticket at € 13 and reduced to € 7. Once off the cruise go straight to the D'orsay Museum, in fact, remember that every Thursday after 18 pm admission is free, while the museum is free every first Sunday of the month.

48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

Paris in film

If you movie fans you can't miss the tour of Paris remembering the places of the film The wonderful world of Amelie.

48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

Cultural Paris

For shopping lovers, I can recommend two addresses over all the others. The first address is that of Shakespeare and Company bookshop a few steps from the Seine, the other address, actually more than one, is the Paris vintage markets, all to see!
48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

Where to eat in Paris

French food is not always easy to find, the real one I mean. I have had my worst culinary experiences in Paris. If you are not careful you risk making crazy blunders. Here's what I recommend: for a romantic dinner try Le 20 de Bellechasse, right outside the Musée d'Orsay by the way. To eat something quick instead, treat yourself to a gourmet burger from Blend. A classic Parisian dinner you can taste it at 48 Rue Condorcet, near Montmartre. Finally, for a lunch in the Latin Quarter, go to where Woody Allen filmed his Midnight in Paris, from Polidor.
48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

Macarons also for celiacs

For breakfast, however, remember the best ones city ​​bakeries and boulangeries. If you want to taste the classic macarons, typical of a Parisian trip, remember that there are not only those that cost a madness, but we recommend you 5 low cost seats where to buy them and obviously taste them.

If you have booked a trip to Paris and have gluten intolerances, fear not, France is also a friend of celiacs and will certainly not forget you. The classics gluten-free macarones they exist and are also in several stores, including Pierre Herme. From Helmut Newcake instead, in addition to macarones, also lemon cheesecakes and classic pastries. Delicious.

48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

Where to sleep in Paris?

Another sore point when you go in vacation in Paris is the choice of where to sleep. Often there are no convenient offers both because Paris always has tourism, in summer and in winter and is always busy, and because the most beautiful hotels get paid, having a huge choice and variety of accommodations here.

Young people who want to spend little in a hostel can try Oops! Hostel in the heart of the city, colorful and full of services, it is valid for a weekend in France. Those who prefer more personal and comfortable accommodation can try the apartments. Here I recommend two, but very very good ones: My Open Paris, its prices may vary from season to season and the apartment to 48 € in Montmartre :)

Un Hotel in Montmartre really good is the Hotel Utrillo, nice rooms, large breakfast and choice of rooms. Another very nice hotel from which you can also see the Eiffel Tower is theEiffel Hotel precisely. 70 € rooms with wifi included and breakfast separately. Not bad, what do you think?

48 hours in Paris, 3 day low cost tour

Getting around in Paris, to and from the airport

Whatever your choice of messengers to get around Paris, car, bicycle, bus or Vespa, I recommend you take a tour of the stops of the Paris metro, some stations are real masterpieces!

In Paris, the subway fares, the single ticket is € 1.70. For more information on how to save while traveling between trains and stations, check out this post on how low cost travel in Paris, to find out how to get discounts up to 50% of the full ticket.

One last note on how to get there from Charles de Gaulle airport to the city center in a low cost way, the RER line, the suburban train allows you a round trip for less than 20 €.

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