Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is famous all over the world for its tourist beaches, Copacabana e Ipanema, overlooked by rows and rows of hotels, but is also famous for the gigantic statue of Jesus, Known as Christ the Redeemerand (“Christ the Redeemer”) south mount Corcovado, and for its annual carnival.

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro useful tips and information

I have been to Rio last year during the Christmas period and it was a unique experience.

The first piece of advice I give you is to learn a minimum of portoguese language (at least the most common phrases) and practice it a little before leaving, to be able to communicate at least a little.

Another tip: do not believe whoever tells you that Rio it is dangerous, far from it.

But it is good to know that Rio is fundamentally a city of contrasts: the tourist area is very rich and quiet, the area of ​​the so-called Favelas is poor and full of dangers (we do not recommend visiting it !!).

What not to do on a trip to Rio de Janeiro

Le Favelas unfortunately they are plagued by the spread of drug-related crimes, gang fights and other social problems related to poverty.

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

The southern area of ​​Rio, on the other hand, is the tourist area.

Made up of several districts, including Sao Conrado, Leblon, Ipanema, harpooner, Copacabana, Rudder, Botafogo e Flamengo, which make up Rio's famous coastline.

The district of Flamengo it is characterized by the perfect integration of the city viability with the park.

The large park is in fact intersected by the roads that lead in both directions towards the district of Botafogo and then Copacabana, Ipanema and so on and on the other side towards Catheter e Cinelandia.

The neighborhood of the Copacabana beach holds one of the most spectacular New Year's Eve parties in the world, with more than two million revelers flocking to the sand to watch the fireworks.

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

I fires are shot by some boats, to ensure the safety of the event.

It is a unique sensation.

I recommend, for the less daring, to go to the highest mountain in the city (842 meters), la Pedra da Gávea of São Conrado, there it is possible to go down with the hang glider.

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

Another tip: visit the Forest of Tijuca which has become a national park.

In short, spend Christmas and New Year in Rio it gives an unrivaled vitality to the body and mind, and everything becomes irresistibly magical.

Photo gallery Rio de Janeiro

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

Christmas and New Year in Rio de Janeiro

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