December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

You don't have time to return from the summer holidays, you are already thinking about the Christmas and New Year's trip! This year then, with the uncertainty linked to Covid-19 that has kept us stuck in Europe, perhaps even more so! Many have given up on summer travel for focus on a warm holiday in December, maybe for Christmas or New Year, trusting in the reopening of borders. Being a well-defined period of time in which millions of people are on vacation, Christmas and New Year are also the most expensive times of the year to travel. It is very high season in many countries and, if you do not move in time with the organization, you risk having to spend a fortune or stay at home. Who can travel outside the classic period December 26th - January 6th / 10th is obviously the luckiest; for all the others, from September (or earlier) the search for the place to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays, and for the flight and accommodation booking.

Personally I am not a big fan of beach holidays, or rather, I love the sea but I need to do and see more otherwise I get bored. After spending a couple of days relaxing on the beach, I get impatient and start to paw. Having said that, spending a few days in the heat and at the sea when it is winter here is priceless! All the times I've spent Christmas and New Year in the heat I came back regenerated, it is the perfect therapy to break the winter routine and start again with determination towards spring.

** NOTE: not all the destinations you find in this article are open for tourism, so always check the website first Safe traveling if the country you are interested in is part of the'list D, and whether the country in question has open borders. I hope, however, that some countries will open them shortly !!

Where to go on holiday in December in the heat: the most beautiful beaches to celebrate

1. Thailand: Koh Kood or the Surin Islands

A great classic. The New Year in the heat on the beach, maybe a Ko Phan Ghan with a Full Moon Party substitute, that's not bad at all! Otherwise in any of the one thousand Thai islands. In this regard I recommend the paradise island of Koh Kood, which is located in front of Cambodia. The weather is perfect, especially on the west side (that of Phi Phi to be clear). At this time of the year, connections are also open with the Surin Islands e the Similan Islands, two marine paradises absolutely not to be missed! Find out more here: Discovering Phi Phi Island: the beaches and activities not to be missed and The wonders of the Andaman: the Similan and Surin islands 

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

2.Miami and Florida: the beaches of Key West

For lovers of the States and reggaeton the beaches of Miami and Florida are a must. At Christmas and New Year climatically speaking, you should be safe (the conditional is a must lately!), It is not hurricane season and the temperatures are perfect, 30 ° with little humidity. When you are tired of pool parties and beach parties you can always dedicate yourself to the discovery of street art in theArt Distric or take a trip out of town at Key West. Find more information in the article: What to see in Miami 

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

3.Maldive: atolli paradisiaci

A 'timeless' among trips in the heat. The Maldives they are heaven on earth, but if I can have my say .. if you don't dive and you are not great snorkelers, after 3 days you will not be able to stand on an atoll 1 km long, I felt like a lion in a cage! The Maldives are definitely a couple's trip, but I am convinced that even then they get bored after a while. My advice is to combine them with a trip to Sri Lanka (I had done so and I was saved from boredom) or in India del Sud (Kerala o Goa).

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

4.Cuba: Cajo Santa Maria e Baracoa

Le Caribbean islands they are perfect for spending Christmas and New Year in the heat and, of all, Cuba is definitely my favorite. A trip to Cuba is a journey that takes you back in time, to the years of prohibition and American colonialism. Splendid colonial cities are a counterbalance to paradisiacal beaches with crystal clear water, without forgetting its music and its colors: Cuba satisfies anyone! The whole north coast is dotted with magnificent beaches, I can recommend Cajo Santa Maria or Baracoa, but you can go randomly and always fall on your feet. For more information: How to organize a trip to Cuba 

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

5.Goa and Kerala (India): beaches or relaxation in the backwaters

Goa it's perfect for the new hippies or 70's nostalgics. The beaches are very long, full of palm trees (and parties, if you go to the "right" places). Goa can be the natural alternative to Ko Phan Ghan: here too you can choose whether to take a relaxing holiday + super beach parties, or just relax. In the period of Christmas and New Year you will not see even a cloud and the temperature is 30 ° or more with little humidity. Another option, also in India, can be the Kerala, one of the most beautiful regions in my opinion, where you can enjoy both beach life and visit magnificent places like the Backwaters, the tea plantations of Munnar, or the beautiful city of Cochin. If you want you can combine, both in Goa and Kerala, a trip to Rajasthan, to discover the monumental India of the marajà.

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

6. Seychelles: a paradise called La Digue

In the Seychelles I left my heart. Unlike the Maldives, the Seychelles are much larger and much more varied and it is possible to explore them in total autonomy even as a backpacker. The tourist offer is really wide, ranging from guest houses to extra-luxury 5 stars. Of all the beaches, don't miss Anse Marron beach a La Digue and Anse Lazio a Praline! Find all the info in my DIY Seychelles article

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

7. Brazil: the beaches of Morro San Paolo or Praja da Pipa

I'm not a huge fan of Brazil, but I can't hide from you that there are some beautiful beaches. There Ipanema beach in Rio de Janeiro alone is worth a trip to Brazil and I believe that being there on New Year's Eve can be a truly unique experience. If you are looking for something quieter, I recommend the island of Morro de San Paolo (to the north, under Salvador), or Praja da Pipa and the wild dunes of Maranhenses Sheets in the far north. If you need inspiration you can look in my photo gallery.

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

8. Yucatan (Messico) : Tulum and Bacalar

I couldn't fail to mention Mexican beaches on this list. Nello Yucatan (and especially in the Riviera Maya) there are some of the most beautiful beaches in Central America and the Mexican way of life conquers everyone. Also in this case you can decide whether to dedicate yourself exclusively to the beach life sipping a tequila (maybe a Tulum or on the beach of Akumal in the company of turtles), or move a few kilometers and also visit the beautiful Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza. If you need inspiration you can read the article What to see in Yucatan (Mexico) in 2 weeks.

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

9.Zanzibar: the beaches of Paje and Stone Town

Between the holidays in December in the heat I could not fail to include the beautiful Zanzibar archipelago, historic crossroads between Africa, Asia and India. All the islands of the archipelago are dotted with white beaches of fine sand with turquoise bottoms, and are framed by palm trees. I loved the Paje area and the capital Stone Town, but the whole island is truly magnificent. The month of December is the peak of the high season because the weather is hot (too much) and it rains very little. Find all the info on Zanzibar in the article Zanzibar: what to see, when to go and various tips.

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

10. Dubai and Abu Dhabi: incredible beaches and museums

If you do not want to face a very long flight, but still want to spend a warm holiday in December, a valid medium-haul alternative is definitely Dubai, but also the neighbor Abu Dhabi. You may not find 35 ° but 25-27 ° yes. I was there in early January and I must admit that it was really great! Dubai offers several public beaches and the water temperature is divine. Some beaches have a small entrance fee, but there are also free-access stretches of sea. The best known (and also the most crowded) is certainly the very long one Jumeirah Beach. There is no shortage of beaches even near Abu Dhabi, but if you are in the area you absolutely cannot miss going to visit the brand new one Louvre Abu Dhabi and the mosque of records (Sheikh Zayed Mosque).

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

11. Galapagos Islands: a dream called San Cristobal

From a place closer to a place as far away as the Galapagos islands. These islands are located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean as well they belong to Ecuador; to reach them you will have to take a flight of several hours from Guayaquil (in southern Ecuador), but they are really a dream, one of the places in the world that amazed and amazed me the most. Here you have the opportunity to live in an upside-down world, utopian today, where animals and plants are the masters and we are guests, paparazzi wandering around the islands. If you love animals, nature and dream beaches… It's definitely your place too (and December is the perfect month to go there)! The inhabited islands are 4, but if I have to recommend only one .. I recommend you San Cristobal, the one where I literally left my heart.

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

12: Sri Lanka: the beaches of Hikkaduwa and the UNESCO heritage

This roundup on places to go on holiday in December in the heat closes it Sri Lanka, a country that I have already visited twice and will definitely return to. The "tear of India”Looks a lot like her older sister, especially Kerala. Many landscapes are incredibly similar, the light, the beaches, the people. The biggest difference are the archaeological sites: practically absent in Kerala and very numerous (and very ancient) in Sri Lanka. December is the perfect month for a vacation in Sri Lanka, it's hot (a lot!), and you can dedicate yourself both to relaxation on the long beaches of the southwest (such as Hikkaduwa o Mirissa for example) than at the visit of one of the many magnificent UNESCO heritage sites (such as Sygiria, Anurhadapura, Mihintale, Dambulla, etc.).

December in the heat: 12 dream holidays for Christmas and New Year

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