Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife guide and advice on how to get around, climate, temperatures, when to go, time zone and where to shop.

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Getting around in Tenerife and means of transport

The best way to move to Tenerife is to rent a car.

Rent a car in Tenerife is the most comfortable way to visit every corner ofisola and one must always exhibit license valid and passport.

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays information and advice

Getting around by taxi in Tenerife it is a good and comfortable alternative as they are very efficient and very economical.

Il most convenient way to visit Tenerife is the use of bus covering the length and breadth of the whole island.

If you are used to frequent trips, we advise you to buy Bono-bus which is one card prepaid that offers great discounts on rates.

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife map

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife climate and temperatures

Tenerife, so all the Canary Islands enjoys a mild climate all year round as they are located north of the Tropico in 'Atlantic Ocean.

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Le temperature during the winter months the minimums oscillate between 15 ° / 18 ° and the maximum 21 ° / 26 ° while during the hottest months the minimums oscillate between 19 ° / 25 ° and the maximum 27 ° / 30 °.

Tenerife when to go

Il best time to go on holiday in Tenerife it runs from the end of April to October but, basically, even during the other months of the year it is pleasant to go there, take and the Sun and bathe in the fabulous waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife nightlife

Tenerife time zone

Compared toSpain a Tenerife there is an hour less.

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Where to shop in Tenerife

A Tenerife you can shop anywhere starting from Santa Cruz until you get to La Laguna where you will find many shopping streets and many shopping centers.

Here are some of the best shopping malls in Tenerife:

  • Galeon Outelt - Av.Antonio Dominguez, 4
  • Siam Mall – South Highway, Exit 28

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

  • The English Court – Av.Three of May, 7
  • Martinez Pyramids Shopping Center - Av.Aguilar y Quesada, 1A
  • Meridiano Commercial Center – Av.Manuel Hermoso Rojas, 16

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife markets

The best markets of Tenerife it takes place Las Americas Beach where the Torviscas market which is one of the largest on the island, a Santa Cruz every day takes place on Our Lady of Africa Market where you can buy fresh local products and Los Cristianos where you can buy garments of clothing e souvenir.

To have all the information about Tenerife consultation:

  • Holidays in Tenerife what to see and what to do
  • Tenerife most beautiful beaches
  • Where to eat in Tenerife
  • What to eat in Tenerife
  • Tenerife nightlife

Tenerife photo

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

Tenerife holidays map, photos and weather

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