Eating in Fuerteventura, typical dishes and typical products.
- Typical Spanish cuisine
- Fuerteventura typical dishes
- Fuerteventura typical sweets
- Fuerteventura pictures
Typical Spanish cuisine
The flavors of Fuerteventura cuisine they are influenced by those of the neighbor Africa and from those ofLatin america and, thanks to these, it is considered one of the most open and multiethnic kitchens inEurope.
La Fuerteventura cuisine it is also defined tropical and is basically based on fresh fish such as parrot fish (See viola and giallo), tuna, grouper, same, salema and many clams.
A Fuerteventura the favorite and best cooked meats by the islanders are that of goat, of rabbit and pig (there are many farms) while the most eaten fruits are theavocado, banana, mango,ananas and papaya.
Recall that a Fuerteventura is produced on majorero which is a goat cheese famous throughout Europe.
Fuerteventura holidaysFuerteventura typical dishes
La typical cuisine of Fuerteventura, as well as that of all Canary Islands, is not very elaborate and the majority of typical local dishes it is cooked with ingredients such as gofio which is wheat flour or toasted masi and the potato which are our potatoes.
They are used a lot, as a main condiment, the mojos which are spicy sauces and I'm the Mojo Rojo (very hot chili pepper sauce used for meat dishes), Il My Verde (sauce made from parsley and coriander used for fish dishes) and the Mojo Picon (sauce made from pepper, chilli and cumin).
Here are the typical dishes of Fuerteventura:
- Fried sama with green Mojo: fried fish seasoned with garlic, vinegar and coriander.
- Rice with vegetables: risotto with chopped peppers, tomato, sweet corn and vegetables.
- sancocho: fish that is part of the sea bass family that is first boiled and then served with corn and sweet potatoes.
- Pot: it is a stew with beans, chickpeas, potatoes, saffron and chorizo ​​(typical Canarian sausage).
- Rabbit salmorejo: stewed rabbit with tomatoes and potatoes.
- Watercress soup: it is a very consistent soup made with maize, watercress, beans, potatoes, cumin and pork ribs.
Fuerteventura typical sweets
Here are the typical sweets of Fuerteventura:
- Mole Eggs: they are egg yolks beaten with cinnamon and sugar syrup.
- Vilana cake: it is a dessert made with potatoes, eggs and sugar.
- bienmesabe: it is a cream of almonds and honey.
- Rapaduras: it is an almond cake covered with honey.
To have all the information about Fuerteventura consultation:
- Fuerteventura holidays what to see and what to do
- Fuerteventura guide, advice and information
- Fuerteventura's most beautiful beaches
- Fuerteventura nightlife
- What to eat in Fuerteventura
Fuerteventura pictures